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Meghan Johnson avatar
Written by Meghan Johnson
Updated over 8 months ago

With Forms, you can:

  • Build single page forms, such as intake forms, medical history forms, and health needs assessment etc.

  • Assign forms to a patient's Care Plan.

  • Both patients and providers in your organization are able to fill out Forms. Your organization's forms are not visible to other members of a patient's Care Team.

  • Export the data in your forms with the Data Export Add-on.

Topics in this article:

(Note: Some features may not be visible due to the type of Membership plan selected or permissions given by the account admin.)

Locating organization forms:

Navigate to your Organization settings (top right corner of screen). Select 'Manage Resources' on the dropdown menu. Select 'Forms' on the left menu to view a list of your organization's published and drafted forms.

Form settings:

Form settings can be selected upon building a new form or upon editing an existing form. When building a new form, select the 'Advanced Settings' drop down menu. To edit settings to an existing form, select the overflow menu (three dots) to the right of your Form and select 'Edit.' Click the gear icon to the right of your form's title and select the 'Advanced Settings' drop down menu. Select your form settings and click 'Save' at the bottom of the screen to save your settings.

Advanced Settings for Forms:

  1. Hide this form from patients: Select this box to make this form not visible to the patient.

  2. Allow patients to edit once completed: (selected by default). Select this box to allow patients to change their answers in the Form after they have completed it.

  3. Notify my organization whenever someone completes this form: Select this box to receive a notification when a patient completes the form.

Building a Form:

When building your form, select 'Preview' at any time to view and interact with the form. Changes made to forms are auto-saved, but you can revert changes if needed.

Step 1: Build Form information

  1. Click on the + Build Form button.

  2. Enter the Form Name and description

  3. Select the Form Settings (see above)

  4. Each Form has a Start Page and a Finish Page. Enter the header and description (optional) for the Start Page and the Finish Page. For example, provide patients with instructions for the form on the Start page. Thank patients for completing the form and/or provide them with follow-up information on the Finish page.

  5. Select Save & Add First Question to move start adding questions to your forms.

Step 2: Add Questions

  1. Your first question appears as a 'Blank Question' in the Question List.

  2. Enter your form's first question in 'Question Text'. Text entered in this box is black, bold, and centered.

  3. Select the question's answer format and enter answer options (if applicable)

  4. Select the Add + button in the 'Question List' to add your next question.

  5. Rearrange questions on the form by clicking and dragging them in the Question List.

  6. The 'required' box is selected by default. Unselect this box for each question that is not required on the form.

  7. Select who is this data relevant for: birthing person, baby, both or neither.

  8. To add section headers, select the question type 'Title.' Enter the section header in the 'Question Text' field. Section headers appear in bold, purple text, centered in on the screen with a section break line underneath.

  9. If you have the Data Export add-on, select if you'd like the question response to be part of your data reporting. Create a column title for the .csv export.

  10. Select Publish or Save as Draft on the upper right of the screen.

  11. Select confirm to publish the form.

Question bank options

  • Checkboxes- Multiple choice question, allowing multiple responses for a question.

  • Consent checkbox- Selection box so responder can indicate consent or understanding. This is used when adding consent forms.

  • Date - A date is chosen from a calendar view

  • Date Dropdown -A date is selected from a dropdown menu.

  • Dropdown - Responses are chosen from a dropdown menu. Only one response can be chosen.

  • Numbers - Allows numerical responses such as phone numbers or frequencies.

  • Radio Buttons- Allows only one response to a question

  • Range- One response is given from a number scale.

  • Text- Provides responders with one line of space for a typed response.

  • Textarea- Provides respondents with a large area of text for a response.

  • Time - a dropdown box to select a response in time format.

  • Title- Section header that can be used to break up different sections of a form. Text in a 'Title' is purple, bolded, and centered.

Managing/ Editing Forms

Go to 'Manage Resources' -> 'Forms' -> select the form -> select the overflow menu (three dots) icon on a Form to:

  • Edit: Select 'Edit' to change form questions and settings in the Form Builder.

  • Preview: View how the form appears to a respondent.

  • View Assigned forms (on Published Forms): Produces a list of patients who have been assigned this form, who assigned it, and the form's completion date. Edit and/or View responses by selecting the overflow menu (three dot) icon to the right of the patient name.

  • Publish/Unpublish: Unpublished forms are inactive and not assignable to patient Care Plans. Published forms are active and able to be assigned to patient's.

  • Export CSV: Export data collected in forms into a .csv file. Note: data Export add-on feature required)

  • Delete: Delete the form from the organization.

Editing a Form

(This video show how to access an existing Form and edit the questions and settings)

Assigning Forms

Forms are assigned to a patient's Care Plan. Once assigned, the patient or a provider from your organization can access and view the Form in the patient's Care Plan on their patient medical record. * Note, a form can be assigned to the Care Plan once.

Filling out a Form from a patient's Care Plan

  1. Select the Plan tab on the patient's medical record.

  2. Locate the form you'd like to use.

  3. Click on the form to provide or view responses.

  4. Select 'Start' to fill out the form. *Note you can provide more than one response to a Form by selecting 'Start'. This action will still keep all previous responses on record.

  5. Click Save at the bottom of the page to save the form's response.

(Filling out a form more than once)

Making a consent Form

Click HERE to use the Form Builder to create consent or acknowledgment forms.

Exporting Form data

With the Data Export add-on, providers can easily export important information from Forms. When building your form, select which question you'd like to have in your .csv export. Label the column title from that questions to appear on the .csv export.

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