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Assigning a Care Plan item

Send screenings, forms, treatment plans, articles, and more to your patient's Care Plan.

Meghan Johnson avatar
Written by Meghan Johnson
Updated over a year ago

Access to Care Plan items is subject to your Membership plan and permissions granted by the account's admin.

Providers can add to a patient's Care Plan with a variety of content, including articles, forms, essential information, recommended care, and screenings. This feature allows for a comprehensive and personalized approach to patient care.

For patients, accessing their Care Plan is easy. Care Plans are displayed on their dashboard, presented in a user-friendly timeline format. This design ensures that patients can easily navigate and engage with their Care Plan directly from their Mahmee dashboard.


What can be added to the Care Plan?

On a Care Plan, you can add various items categorized as:

  • Education

    • Treatments plans

    • Information

    • Articles

    • Documents

  • Questionnaires

    • Surveys

    • Screenings

    • Forms

  • Care

    • Appointment

    • Support group

    • Class

    • Coaching

Locating a patient's Care Plan:

Accessing a patient's Care Plan is easy. You can find it in three ways:

  1. From the patient's medical record -> Select the 'Plan' tab

2. From the patient's medical record -> Select 'Add Care Plan item' from the top action bar.

3. When viewing a patient's message -> Select the three-dot icon to the right -> Choose 'Add a Care Plan item.'

Understanding the Care Plan Layout:

On the left side, the Care Plan displays the patient's current plan in a timeline format, showing your added items, upcoming appointments, and milestone cards.

On the right side, you'll find an index of all possible items that can be added to the Care Plan, helping you in choosing and previewing items.

Adding to a patient's Care Plan

  1. Select the category on the right or use the search filter.

  2. Choose the Care Plan item.

  3. Preview the item on the right before adding.

  4. Scroll down to review and add optional directions/notes for the patient.

  5. Click 'Add to Care Plan.'

  6. When the patient views the Care Plan/timeline, they see the items assigned to a 'Today' tab.

Scheduling Care Plan items for the future

For the patient, when they view the timeline, they see the items assigned to a date in the future.

For future scheduling:

  1. Select the Care Plan item

  2. At the bottom, choose the future date for the item to be displayed.

    1. Example: Hina is almost in her third trimester of pregnancy. We want to send her education on the importance of fetal kick counting. But, we want the article to appear under a future date on her Care Plan; let's say at 30 weeks of pregnancy. We go to Hina's medical record and select the article on kick counting. We schedule the article to appear under the date in which Hina is 30 weeks pregnant by selecting a date from the calendar.

  3. Click 'Add to Care Plan.'

  4. Optionally, set the duration for which the item will appear. If you leave this section blank, the item will remain on the Care Plan until the patient removes it.

Adding articles in different languages

No need to worry about language preferences. Translated articles automatically display on the patient's Care Plan, based on the patient's language preferences.

Removing/Un-assigning Care Plan items:

Exercise caution when removing items, as any associated data will be deleted.

  1. From the patient's Care Plan, select the item on the left.

  2. In the upper right corner, select the overflow menu (three dots)

Choose 'Unassign.'

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