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Notification Settings

Set your account notifications and learn about in-app notifications

Meghan Johnson avatar
Written by Meghan Johnson
Updated over 11 months ago

Notification settings

Access your Notification settings from the Provider Dashboard -> dropdown box under your name in the purple navigation bar -> Account Settings -> Notifications

The toggle bars on Notifications lets you to choose how you'd like to be notified about Mahmee messages.

'Provider messages sent to my organization' notifies you when any message is sent to your organization, even if the message is not directed at you.

'Patient messages sent to my organization' lets you decide how you want be notified about certain types of messages. If you do not want your organization to receive messages or requests for appointments, toggle this setting off.

'Provider messages sent directly to me' lets you choose the notification for any provider-to-provider messages sent to you. Many times, provider-to -provider messages are regarding care coordination. A best practice for this setting is to keep this notification turned on.

About In-app notifications

In-app notifications allow you to view recent activity on your essential tasks, messages, and items to complete. Here are some examples of what shows in your notifications;

Viewing notifications

  • Click on the notification icon at the top right of the page

  • View the list of items that need your attention

  • Navigate using the mouse or keyboard arrows to navigate to the related content

  • After you view a notification, it is marked as read

Marking all notifications as read

  • Click the icon at the top of the list to mark all the notification as read

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