Appointment Page overview
Navigate to the calendar from the purple navigation bar in your provider dashboard.
The Calendar gives a high-level view of the Appointment Types offered by your organization, the status of the appointments, and a filter feature to help easily find appointments by status, provider, and date range.
Viewing Appointment Details
Select an Appointment Type from the Calendar.
From the Appointment Details page, you can
View scheduled Appointment Sessions for this Appointment Type.
Filter search results to find appointments by status, date range, and provider.
Edit details or delete the Appointment Type.
(Note: Appointment Types can not be edited or deleted if there are upcoming or in progress for the Appointment Type.)
Adding Appointment Types
From the Calendar, select the 'appointment types' tab.
Select 'Add' in the upper right corner.
Enter details about the Appointment Type, such as location, rate, duration, and billing code (if applicable).
For Location options,
Select 'Other' to enter in a specific address.
Select 'Flexible' to add the location details later, when scheduling the appointment.
Select 'Virtual - External Video Source' to add a meeting URL to an external video platform.
Enter the Appointment Chart you would like to have associated with the Appointment Type. If you have not created an Appointment Chart, select New Appointment Chart in the drop down menu to be taken to Mahmee's Chart Builder. Selecting "None" will attach only a Visit Summary to the Appointment Type.
Select 'Save' at the bottom of the page. The Appointment Type will appear on the Calendar.
After you have set up Appointment Types, you're ready to Schedule Appointments and start appointment sessions.
Editing Appointment Types
Select an Appointment Type from the Calendar.
Select the edit icon next to Appointment Details.
Edit appointment information and details in spaces provided.
Select Save at the bottom of the screen.
Deleting Appointment Types
Select an Appointment Type from the Calendar.
Select the trash can icon next to the Appointment Details.
Confirm that you are deleting an Appointment Type from the pop up modal.
(Note: Appointment Types cannot be deleted if there are upcoming or In Progress appointments. Remove or change the scheduled appointment session first, then delete the appointment Type.)